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Lions' Youth Camp 2012
Monday 12 March 2012 | 3/12/2012 11:15:00 pm | 0 letters
Hey people. I just come back from Lions' Youth Camp 2012. That's best among the best camp that I ever had. We slept together. I mean with my buddies,Chrisanthea,Celine,Florina and Shalvia. And we dance together. With fun girl from Form 6 of SMK Bintulu,Fredriksson,Stewart,Jemson,Gregory Budik,Julius and others. We laughed a lot. Especially laughing at the 'wiggle' guy. Oh my God. He is killing me. LOL but this camp so awesome.
Leader of Team A :Leofric Lau Lee Wee.
1. Ling Shyan Huo - SMK Bintulu
2. Eric Wong Kin Liang - Form 6
3. Hii Hion Siang. - Form 6
4. Brendan Lau Sze Yung - Kidurong
5. Kelvin Chan - Kidurong
6. Chai Tzu Hui - Kai Dee
7. Desmond Ting - Kai Dee
8. Christ Ang Siaw Ting - Kai Dee
9. Elveis Ting Yien Ying - Kai Dee
10. Chong Chun Ling - Bintulu
11. Amy Loi Yee Yee - Form 6
12. Chai Lee Ling - Form 6
13. Janet Lee Von - Bintulu

They are so awesome. We got number 2 for overall.

And the most sweet moment is when we dance. With Eunice and her friend. Form 6 one. Oh man. I want moreeee puhh-leaseee. And the most sad moment is when I realize that I'm alone. I mean without my boyfie. Err NO BOYFIE actually. lol. seeing my Auntie Chrisanthea & Uncle Fredriksson. Mami Florina & Papi Jemson. Auntie Shalvia & her admirer text. Sis Celine & Superman. Aawww. <3 They be so cute. And me?
Forever alone,dude.
Killing me inside. HAHA jk.
This camp makes me realize some things:
1. I'm alone.
2. Learns to be alone.
3. Learns how to cooperate with someone we don't know.
4. Relationship.
5. Love.

I love PDG James Teo. He taught us a lot of things. Soo sporting. I love him very much. Others Lion too.
Met with Lee Min Ho. HAHAHA lol people call him 'City Hunter'. Adore him.

'Convo' with sister. haha

eksen jak.


Girls from Form 6

'City Hunter'

For more picture go to http://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.188812014564994.39724.100003085907136&type=3 and http://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.364837170222637.86633.100000890706529&type=1

Thank you people.